Project Management

Our approach to partnering with Subject Matter Experts


We've partnered with hundreds of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) over the years, and we need each other. In the end, we want the same thing: a dynamic learning experience that captures the audience's attention and makes a meaningful difference.  

Instructional designers and SMEs bring different strengths and information to the project. The learning design expert can build an innovative, beautiful framework, but without the content expert's contribution, the structure could easily crumble. 

Here's more about what we've learned from collaborating with subject matter experts...

Understand your roles.

Instructional designers are not often experts in the content areas they write about, nor should they expect to become experts. As instructional designers, we want to learn as much as possible in order to create a learning experience that's meaningful for the audience.

When we begin working with a SME, we get to know what they're responsible for at work, how they like to collaborate—email, texting, phone calls—and how they will contribute to the project. 

It's mostly about respect.

Regard SMEs as true experts. Sometimes they bring 30 years of detailed knowledge to the project! Even if this knowledge comes to me in the form of a pile of printed materials thicker than my tallest coffee mug, we still take the time to look over the information the SME compiled.

Keep the lines of communication open.

Even after our official discovery period is over, we make sure that SMEs know they can contact us as needed. We find that SMEs are very receptive to answering questions and providing additional details if we run into roadblocks.

Guide the conversation.

It's important to respect the SME's expertise, but make sure that they understand the big picture. Guide the conversations and ultimately design the course only using the content that supports the learning objectives. If multiple SMEs are involved and they're saying different things, as the ID it's our responsibility to actively listen to seek clarification and consistency. 

Engage your curiosity.

Demonstrating sincere curiosity and asking intelligent questions are essential for instructional designers. Sometimes SMEs are so knowledgeable that they forget the rest of us don't know the inner workings of a solar panel system, a human resources certification process, or what certain technical acronyms stand for. We are never afraid to ask for clarification or an alternative explanation.

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