Learning Methods

Is eLearning really the right solution?


Some clients know that they need a learning solution but aren’t sure what delivery method is best (that’s ok, that’s why we’re here!). Other times, they come right out and request eLearning. 


  • Their budget was cut—existing instructor-led training is on the chopping block, and they want eLearning as a replacement.
  • Their company has become more virtual, reducing the feasibility of offering instructor-led training.
  • They only offer eLearning.
What we consider when identifying learning solutions

1. Business Objective

“Build it and they will come” does not apply to eLearning. There must be a business reason for the eLearning (or any learning deliverable, for that matter), or it could sit in a lonely virtual vault without any visitors.

  • We make a point to discover what needs to be accomplished, and what the learners need to do following the learning experience. 

2. Past Experiences

Knowing about past experiences gives us insight about where our clients are today and where the learning gaps might be.

  • We ask our clients what they’ve tried in the past, what worked, what failed, and if any metrics exist.

3. Existing Content

Are source materials available, like user guides, glossaries, style guides, and photos? Some clients already have a library of photos they’d like to us to use. In other cases, we may use stock photos or draw custom illustrations.

  • Even if it’s outdated, we like to review any existing content that relates to the topic. 

4. Learning Environment

Does the organization generally support learning efforts? Do the supervisors encourage employees to participate? In what specific ways will learners be supported?  

  • We need to know the systems and environment learners will be in when the learning takes place.

5. Learners

Ideally, we need direct access to the learners themselves to create the most effective experience. In reality, this isn’t always possible. Sometimes we receive indirect information about what learners need through subject matter experts (SMEs) or even the marketing or human resources departments.

  • Getting to know our learners is extremely necessary to design a learning experience that is effective.

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